feeling: Nostalgic

10 September 2009

A forced feeling

Back to school for me. Although tomorrow is going to be a Thursday, it sure doesn't feel like it. I have left exactly 7 days left before my holidays again. great. It's strange why everything is going so differently nowadays, how I wish it would all slow down. Dear friends, night cycling, Beaches, laughter, skating, mid-night movies, and games nights are now only but a memory. hmmm...

I would say I'm happy where I'm at now, although it may not seem all that perfect but thanks to the people that touch my life I'm willing to give it another try. I did alot of thinking while at home.Man, how blind I can be. A few more months till the end of this year. I hope at the end of it I can say it was a good year. Being away from school for so long, I have lost this feeling of accomplishment. Like the times where you finish a project and you can say, wow I did that? Hahaha.

Maybe if I squeeze in the time for October I can try to do something I have the passion for. Well lets see how much workload are there on my desk tomorrow. Oh shit. I have my NAFA test to take still. great. Till tomorrow, Good bye

Autumn is back again
it may seem insane.
Time passes by so fast
I just want to embrace my past.

In denial I can be
that's something you won't agree.
Someone please save me
or can you just let me be?

I've gotta move on
and all the memories soon would be gone.
Till the next day we'll meet
I promises it'll be sweet.