Brianne Simpson says:"I love this group! Where is Christ in Christmas now days?! All you see at the malls are Santa's and frosty. Where is the Nativity? yea hopefully everyone will know what's the true meaning of christmas."
Oh my gosh..."Christ" has absolutely nothing to do with December 25th...he was not even born in winter..Christmas originated from the Pagan's celebration of The Son of Isis...on...guess what day??
December 25th.
Then Christians came along and adapted their beliefs...and stole december 25th since it was already a well-respected/well-celebr
ated holiday...
Jude Brian says:Well, thank you for that information, but I already know that. It's just like they don't know when Jesus actually died. Duh, it's been over 2000 years.
Why I'm disappointed is because people don't see Christmas as a religious holiday, they just think its a holiday of snows, exchanging gifts and christmas tress.
Brianne Simpson says:ok...but why celebrate it as a christian holiday?
can't we just celebrate it as humans?...kindness, family, sharing, loving..the winter season...the warmth behind watching the little ones (whether your own...your little brother or sister...your little cousiin) get all excited and worked up...
what's wrong with that?
Jude Brian saysI didn't say it's wrong...
Picture this, You're going for a birthday party. You and your friends are getting all excited and worked up about it. You reached the birthday boy's house, celebrated it and went home. But when you reach home, you realise you don't know who's birthday it was.
Technically you just went for a birthday party, you didn't find out who's birthday it is.
Another example, New Year. Celebrating New Year but not realising it's going to be a new year at midnight.
I'm just try to spread the word that christmas is not only the time of giving, its the birth of Jesus Christ. Something which is far more important.
I'm not saying a non christian can't celebrate it. But just know what you are celebrating.
Anyways, Merry christmas!
Brianne Simpson says: but it's NOT jesus's birthday...
That would be in late summer/early fall...
why would some kid celebrate his birthday 3 months AFTER his birthday???
Jude Brian saysWell, Christians and Roman Catholics around he world just marks and honors the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December!
And one more thing, nobody knows when Jesus is born. Gosh!
Brianne Simpson saysand they stole it from why do christians have the right to complain about "their holiday" being turned into a "secular holiday"...
and most historians/experts on the matter agree it was late summer/early fall...
Jude Brian saysFirstly, historians have no hard proof. Different historians have different views on history. That's why they are called historians; His-Story...
Secondly, we didn't steal the holiday. I just said that it's a day that we mark on our calendars. Can't two occasion be celebrate on the same day? Pagans are a group of religious people, where els the catholic faith has a huge clergy.
Thirdly, we are not complaining about our holiday. We invite all people of all religions and walks of life to celebrate Christ's birth with us. Which was and till today is the birthday of jesus christ.
Brianne Simpson saysBut not all people want to celebrate the birth of jesus...
Which, to me, seems perfectly fine...let them celebrate a secular christmas.
You were in the group "Keep CHRIST in Christmas"...which is where I got your quote from....but Christmas isn't about "christ" to a lot of people...why force it on them?
pretty convincing...most "his-storians" are in agreement...of course there are a few ones who don't want to accept this...just like there are a few "scientists" who don't want to accept evolution...
On a final note, christ has nothing to do with me or my family's christmas celebration...and I don't see how or why this would bother you.
All the best.
Brianne Simpson says ...unless you are saying you believe the CHRISTIANS should keep christ in christmas...which I can understand (and respect) more....however, most people saying "Keep Christ in Christmas" are just angry that "their" holiday is becoming a secular celebration...
Jude Brian saysI feel sad and sorry for you... Well in that case, you might as well celebrate Easter, Hari Raya (Islamic), Chinese New Year, Deepavali (Hindu) And all the other religious holidays!
Why? Because you think it's cool and fun!
I feel sad for you. Merry Christmas anyways.
Brianne Simpsonhaha why do you feel sorry for me??
because I can celebrate and appreciate without nonsense mythical idealogy?
I feel sorry for you that you lack the ability to critically reason.