feeling: Nostalgic

25 July 2010

Dream a little dream of me

What a Sunday is was, well I don't think the day is going to end anytime soon... This is how it all started...

Slept over at jimmy's place last night, was just blogging till late.. Had a hearty breakfast in the morning at the Indian prata shop. Than went for St Anne's church feast day. Was a huge fun and food fair ate there too haha... Music was so loud that we could hear Justin Biber during mass too... Oh the bishop serve the mass today..
So anyways went home to take a nap than went down to SGH for a while... Send jeremy off to camp and now I'm in the train on the way to Lilly's place to help her with her project...

Okay I'm not going to bore anyone anymore.. Hahah yea so that was my day so far.. Was nice.

A month left to be 18... :/*