feeling: Nostalgic

23 February 2009

Here comes the...

Today was a good day for me beside that I had the worst migraine this year thanks to the stupid rain and shine… Well I started the day early, watched the 81 Oscars award. I like the musical part. After that I went to school to do my phase test and it was seriously too easy. I started to panic because I was thinking that the answers could not be so easy... I manage to finish the test within 15 minutes, after that I met up with lilian. We went to the mall where we met my mum and had lunch.
After that lil came over to just chill out, while I continued to the website for dru. These damn web hosting people, they are so not reliable. I keep calling them like 10 times to ask them for my account details. Anyways lil and I started listening to oldies from the 80’s and 90’s. Than we switch to Marvin Gaye with his sexual song hahaha wth.

Oh gosh, here’s the best part. I received an SMS from my teacher and he said I scored an A for my test. He must have marked it already. And while I was in school just now, he said I should be receiving a scholarship again! and on top of that I might, just might get a bursary also. Hahaha

I can’t stop think what I should do with that money. Should I get an oven? Or should I save for my driver’s license? I could also give my room a make over. Well let’s talk again when I have the Chi Ching! Hahaha

Well yea now just back home. Dead shag, going to bed now hopefully I can start the day early tomorrow like this morning. Yea well boo ya!