feeling: Nostalgic

29 January 2009


Okay it’s 5:28am now and I’m still awake.. I suppose to get up at six and get ready for school… it’s going to be a long day tomorrow; I finish at 5pm.
I feel damn sucky now. The thing is, I didn’t do a thing for my project but my group mates finish it. I couldn’t go to school for the past few days because of my hair and stuff. So I couldn’t do my part of the project. I seriously don’t deserve any marks as I have not done anything accepts some backgrounds shit for the presentation.
I don’t know what to say to my group mates tomorrow as we’re supposed to hand it in by tomorrow. Hmmm… and the suckiest part is, I don’t know weather I’m still in their team anot. Hmmm well done Jude well done.
Ahhh!!! Will someone please tell me what to do. I have no clue. Looks like I just gotta face the music later. I hate this feeling. I need to change my life. Seriously.


Anonymous said...

you're smart and i know you'll make things right