feeling: Nostalgic

02 September 2008

Autumn's morning glory

Oh well now it’s six in the morning, I couldn’t sleep last night. Yesterday I went over to jimmy’s place to help him with his project. Than we had dinner. Hahaha so much for an exciting day huh? The night before that he came over and we watch Freedom Writters and Never Back Down. Freedom Writers is a really good movie. I love it!

Well today I’m going to school at 11 alothugh I start at 8, because I really don’t want to go for PE. It sucks. Whatever.

I miss lilly. I’m going to meet her tomorrow! I can’t wait! Hehehe and Cornell is meeting me too! Coolness! Dru is leaving for work today. He flight is at 8am. Hmmm gonna miss him. Hmm… well when he’s back, we’ll have one hell of a party!!

Gosh I have so many things to do. First I got my projects at school, next is my work; the website. Third is I’m planning my class bbq and last is all the other daily shits that I got to go through.

I’m so freaking stress! I swear this Christmas I’m going to take a time-out! I need a freaking break.

Time really past fast. Can you believe it’s going to be one year? Well it was a wonderful trip around the sun, and I hope to have many more wonderful trips with her. Haha you know who you are!!

Sometimes I sit back and think, where is my life leading me? What if I fail in life or am I just shattering my own future right now? Life is so freaking hard to predict. Hmmm… what if I can’t provide for my love ones in the future? I don’t want to be this failure or loser. I’m so scared of losing any of them. I’m really scared right now.
What if I make a mistake? Will you forgive me? Or can I even forgive myself?
Hmm… why does it seem to be so unfair and unpredictable?

Well that's life! Have a great September everyone!!

A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze,
A Sapphire on her brow should bind;
To bring her joy and peace of mind.