feeling: Nostalgic

28 August 2008

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip

Oh gosh, what a week man. It feels like my birthday started on Saturday and ended today. I really had a blast of the year man!! THANKS GUYS FOR EVERYTHING!!

Saturday, we had a party at my place. Had loads of food and drinks. We really went crazy. Freaking police came like 3 times I guess. Hahaha they wanted to confiscate my sound system. Wtf.! Fucking neighbours la… hahhaa we’ve been used to that since young. Every party we have, confirm the police will come.

So theses dogs came and we couldn’t party in the living room anymore so we moved to my bedroom hahahaha it really went crazy to the wee hours of morning. I feel asleep and go up half a day later with a hang over.

Tuesday was my birthday; we went to Boon Tong Kee for dinner. Food was fucking great! And we went to the movies after that. hahaha Sharon came home around 3am and she surprise me with a cake. Hahaha so sweet la. It was a cheesecake!!! Love it!!

Oh ya lilly got me two dashboard confessional cds!!! It was their old albums!!! And she design this little card which it make out of a cassette tape. What rubbish rite… thanks babe! It was one hell of a day.

Now I just got back from town. Jimmy and I went to watch Wall. E. He gave me a birthday treat! We went to Swensen’s for dinner and was great! We found a membership card in-between the pages of the menu and had a complimentary drink and they gave us the wrong ice cream and we and two complimentary scoops of ice cream! How cool is that??!! hahaha

Yea, Wall. E was good! Thx jimmy!!!

That you guys for everything! I really had a blast!